What do I most appreciate about myself? This I really don’t know how to answer. I have never thought about it before when it comes to myself. I know what I appreciate about certain people in my life, but me….
Can being witty be a thing to appreciate? Well, for me, it will do. I love that I can make people laugh with my quick wit responses. However, when I think about one of my most positive memories about myself the only memory that quickly comes to mind is when I received a positive reaction from my friend Dr. Noor when I asked him a question. I don’t remember the question I had asked, but his response, instead of the answer was him telling me how smart I was, and that his own students never thought to ask this question. That day, he helped build more confidence in myself when it came to my intelligence.
The problem isn’t that I don’t think I am intelligent, it’s more that I need to stop questioning myself. People can have strengths in something, but they don’t value them. Maybe that is why when answering the question, what do I most appreciate about myself? my intelligence isn’t the answer, not yet anyways….Now that I know this, this will be something I am going to work on. By the end of this year, I hope to value my intelligence.