
My vision for myself is to be comfortable with all aspects of life. I don’t want to worry financially about certain things. I want to get proper rest again, feel refreshed! Overall I am looking forward to being successful on my next endeavor.

Things can surprise us, mostly we feel surprised by the worst. However, the worst is temporary, and we can change things in our own life, in our own self, to make life better. This last month I dealt with a lot of stress, which unfortunately continued into the new year. However, today, I was able to close that chapter in my life. I feel better, even though I didn’t get the exact solution that I had hoped for, but whatever, I am not allowing it to impact how I am going to be this year.

What I want for myself this year, and going forward is to not sweat the small stuff. I don’t want to let any more stress impact me the way it did this last month. I want to feel free again, not restricting myself in any way, which will be different from how I feel now, where I just got over the feeling that I was punched in the stomach after dealing with the curve balls that life throws at you. It put me in a bit of a depression, even after the situation was resolved, but I walked away just letting go. I need to be productive in order to move forward, it is difficult to do so dwelling on things that are out of my control.

With a great support system, along with confidence in myself I know I can accomplish the the goals I have set for myself.

One thought on “Vision

  1. Zig Ziglar said something about stress – it’s not what gets thrown at us, but how we react to it. This seems easier said than done. I’ve been practicing more mindfulness this last few months and it is helping me. This means not overreacting to what happens, but also I’m really working hard not to say the first thing that pops into my head (since I tend to be sarcastic by nature). Sleep certainly does help – it’s important to take time off for yourself.

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